We all have those little computer related tasks, which we want to do from time-to-time, but never seem to find time to do it. That’s why VS Technology has prepared this list of New Year’s IT Resolutions. Start your new year by making sure, that you’re all set for smooth and trouble-less work!


Sort your files. Is there a mess on your computer desktop? Folders, named “untitled folder”, “untitled folder2”, “untitled folder 15”, “sort” and “ejdfnjdfehfe”? In that case now is the perfect time to sort and name everything properly, and remove all the unnecessary files. This will save your time when you are looking for something, and quite possibly allow your computer to work faster, if you free up some memory.


Do backups. The reality is that you need your files the most when you forgot to back them up. So, now is the time to back everything important up on a cloud and/or external hard drive! Or better yet, contact VS Technology at 705-475-0323 to discuss your automatic back up options.


Install the software updates for all your programs. Yes – yes, time to deal with those annoying little reminders popping up on your screen. On the bright side, software updates are released for a reason, meaning that after the updates your programs should work better and faster, and possibly will get a few new handy features.


Run a virus check. If you have an antivirus on your computer (which you should!), then it’s time to do a global check – all antiviruses have this option to run a slow, but thorough check every once in a while. This check will slow your computer for a short while, but it may find some tricky viruses hiding.


Update your passwords. Don’t neglect your cyber safety – passwords do get compromised when hackers break into sites where you have accounts. Updating your passwords is a good practice to secure your account’s information. Same goes for your WiFi.


Here you go! With these small, but efficient steps your computer will work better, and your information will be more secure. If you want more maintenance to be done, especially on your office hardware, then contact VS Technology at 705-475-0323 and we will discuss what can be done to make your computers perform better.